Circles of Light


Bookmark by Joy Hughes

This beautiful piece of ‘hand-tatted’ art arrived in the mail a few weeks ago. It came with a card stating “Life’s Special with friends,” from a Facebook friend who lives in New Zealand. We both belong to a wonderful Facebook group called “We Love Memoirs.” Sometime earlier in the year several of us from the group decided to join the “Pay it forward” movement and surprise someone with an act of kindness.

Joy Hughes had a tough year with health issues where brain and eye coordination became difficult, so I was surprised and thrilled to receive this gorgeous gift. Joy’s rendering of a crocheted bookmark showing light and bright yellow circles entwined together weave a flow of light around a satin ribbon edged by gold glitter. It’s brilliant. And lucky me, I still read ‘real’ books.

One simple act of kindness is a great way to help yourself and others heal, and lead happier, healthier lives. Try it. Pay it forward.

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