Connected Souls



AS children we sang of the “sweet by and by”
and a beautiful shore in heaven on high.
We were taught if we lived by the “good book” rules
we’d inherit a mansion with gold and fine jewels.

Older, I questioned many things I was taught
by asking myself if they rang true … or not.

My dear brother “Bud” loved a lively exchange;
be it religion, karma, or how molecules rearrange.
Whatever the topic, he had researched and threw
ammunition to start a feisty interview.

Our discussions revealed the importance of living,
of loving each other, of taking and giving.

A husband, a father, grandfather, and son,
a brother, an uncle all wrapped up as one.
Bigger than life with huge hugs to share.
My memories of Bud will always be there.

He made the world brighter and better by far.
For me, he will always be the most brilliant star.

When I learned of Bud’s death, I saw a circle of light;
souls connected together—twinkling bright in the night.
Here today, gone tomorrow? For me, that’s folk lore.
The energy of souls dances on … forevermore.

Susan Joyce

10 Replies to “Connected Souls”

    1. Joy, thank you! We were entwined. I was there for his birth and saved him from a fire when he was still a crawling tot. He actually started the fire by throwing a washcloth on a gas heater in the bathroom. So happy to have in my life for 67 years. A blessing! xx

    1. Thanks Amanda! He died on the 13th and I’m still sorting my feelings. Rick visited us at their home in Vancouver and talked (loudly) until the wee hours of the morning. It was fun! Unfortunately, because of my eye problem, I can’t fly to attend his service. Hoping my next appointment with my ophthalmologist is a good one and I can get back to traveling the skies. xx

  1. What a lovely sentiment, my mother says a rainbow on the day of my brother’s death is him saying hello.

    1. Your mother is right-on. If you see a twinkling bright star, you’ll know my brother agrees. Thank you! xx

    1. Thanks Alexandra! My brother visited us in Mexico when we first arrived.He loved it there. xx

  2. Susan,

    We’re so sorry to hear of Bud’s death. It’s sad that you can’t be here with the rest of your family right now. Please let us know when you’re here next so we can give you more than a virtual hug.

    1. It is sad for me and Doug. Doug was like a brother to him also. Can’t risk harming my eye again. I will see my ophthalmologist end of March. Hopefully it will have settled down and healed some.Look forward to seeing you again one day soon. xx

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