Another Five Star Review!

The Lullaby Illusion, by Susan Joyce

Thank you M.J. Faraldo for your great review!

Susan’s “Lullaby Illusion” is an incredible tale, full of life, risks, friendships, history, loss, suspicion and trust. It takes you on a roller-coaster of emotions that compelled you to keep on reading from beginning to end.
Her life will amaze you. The situations she shares will keep you on the edge of your seat because Susan’s writing will transport you to those places, making you “live” those circumstances with her.

Interview with Susan Joyce

Seattle PI news site logoSavannah Mae of BLOGCRITICS.ORG recently interviewed me about my new book, The Lullaby Illusion.


Her questions were thought-provoking and took me back to my childhood reminding me of why I became a writer.

Susan, I’ve been perusing the various websites and web-pages of yours and I have to say that you have lived an extraordinary life. If you don’t mind though, I’d like to start this interview a bit further back by asking you about your childhood. Who were you as a child? (Were you the shy, demure child, or did you always have that adventurous spirit)?

Read the interview in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.